Frida on my mind
Since the first exhibition in 2014 in Rome at Scuderie del Quirinale our journey with Friday Kahlo started, she brought us to Russia, United States, New Zealand and Canada making her one of the most original and loved artists of all time.
Talking with the Experts |
Daniela Ferretti, Curator of the Exhibition "Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera", 2023.
A character full of contradiction and at the same time with a great identity, who has marked her artistic and life pathway. Exposed to pain since her birth. The accident she suffered as a young girl prevented her from motherhood: an occurrence that marked her existence deeply. Nevertheless, her love towards life was enormous and she was able to sublimate her pain through art, always analyzing herself deeply and translating it all into her artworks.
Her relationship with Diego Rivera was extremely complex and confrontational: Diego was a great fascinator yet a true sadist with women, yet suffering at the same time. Frida’s success arrived after Diego’s, and it endures until today because it is above and beyond fads, while claiming in his dress the importance of the cultural tradition of his country, Mexico. An act which is also a search for roots and which she translates in her artworks, while staying loyal to herself, that is true and without fear and keeping a look out of time and at the same time proud and melancholy, capable of touching the strings of the human soul.
Mr and Mrs Gelman, Jacques and Natasha, enter the life of Frida and Diego when they choose Mexico as their homeland, commissioning the portrait of Natasha, first from Diego and then from Frida. Two extremely symbolic works to understand the two souls of the two artists. The friendship with theGelmans will last a lifetime and will also be fundamental to Frida's work.
Daniela Ferretti, great and attentive connoisseur of the art of Kahlo and Rivera, was the one to whom we entrusted the curatorship of our last exhibition and who tells their lives in the video, their personal relationships and the reasons for their continued success.
Frida Kahlo exhibition tour 2014 - 2023